CENTRAL VICTORIAN LION TEAM Inc. (CVLT) – Statement of Commitment to Child Safety.


CVLT has zero tolerance for child abuse.


We are committed to the safety, participation, happiness and empowerment of all children.
We support and respect all children and adults, including our volunteers who, with respect to our junior members, are in positions of trust and authority.


CVLT will not knowingly engage with anyone who poses an unacceptable risk to children.

We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.



Child safe processes and procedures


CVLT is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.


To effectively manage risks to children, all CVLT leaders and volunteers must show that they understand and agree to comply with the organisation’s policy, code of conduct and child safe reporting process.


Any reports of activity in contradiction to our child safety will be treated seriously, documented and reported to the relevant authorities.





CVLT promotes diversity and tolerance within our organisation. We actively encourage applications from people from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with disabilities.





CVLT requires the collection of personal information including - but not limited to - full name, date of birth, address, contact phone number and email address. We also seek information on allergies, intolerances or any pre-existing physical or medical condition/s that may affect an individual’s ability to train/perform with CVLT.


All personal information considered or recorded will be treated with confidence as we respect the privacy of all individuals involved, whether they be committee, instructors, parents, members (adults or children). Personal information may be released in circumstances involving a breach of CVLT Child Safety Policy or there is a reasonably founded belief that there is a risk to someone’s safety.


CVLT have safeguards and practices in place to ensure the protection of personal information it holds. Everyone is entitled to know how this information is recorded, what will be done with it, and who will have access to it.



Membership /Affiliation with CVLT



• CVLT committee and team leaders MUST be familiar with our code of conduct and safety procedures.



Organisational Practices


Our organisational culture aims for all committee, members and volunteers (in addition to parents/carers and children) to feel confident and comfortable in discussing any allegations of child abuse or child safety concerns.


Our team leaders and selected members of the committee are informed with the latest correct process and procedure to identify, assess, and minimise risks of child abuse, and to detect/recognise potential signs of child abuse. Child abuse includes physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and emotional abuse.


The CVLT Committee is responsible for:


• Responding to reports of child abuse and non compliance with the CVLT Child Safe Policy


• Conducting child protection risk assessments


• Monitoring internal and external compliance with the policy


• Reviewing the policy on a regular basis.



The activities of CVLT involves interaction between members. Reasonable interaction with children which is supervised by approved adults includes:


• Congratulating children appropriately (high-fiving, shaking hands, etc).


• Assisting children with dance postures and movements, as well as martial arts stances and forms.


• Guidance for maintaining appropriate character in rehearsal/training & performance (Eg. monk gestures and body language).


There is zero tolerance for bad language, negative remarks or inappropriate behaviour.



CVLT policies detail processes and probable consequences for any behaviour issues that are in breach of such policies. Those consequences include:


• Meeting to discuss a policy breach and giving the person an opportunity to explain their understanding of their action and the policy


• Internal investigation


• Formal warning and monitoring


• Suspension of activity with CVLT


• Reporting to the police



Risk Management


Team leaders, Committee and persons of responsibility are expected to be familiar with this CVLT Statement of Commitment to Child Safety, as well as our own CVLT rule book and policies.


All members are supervised to ensure they understand and adhere to our organisation’s commitment to child safety, and also understand that EVERYONE has a role to play in protecting children from abuse by checking that their behaviour towards children is safe and appropriate.


Any inappropriate behaviour will be reported through appropriate channels, including the Department of Health and Human Services and Victoria Police, depending on the severity and urgency of the matter.


To minimise our risks – we have identified the following guidelines which all members of CVLT must abide by during any training sessions, performance event or occasion, or whilst representing Central Victorian Lion Team Incorporated:


• Children under 16 years of age must be signed in and out by an approved adult or parent/guardian.


• There will be no images of members posted on social media, in print or online, without prior permission via the completion of indemnity and talent release forms by parent or legal guardian.


• Members under the age of 16 cannot be transported in private vehicles without the consent of a legal parent/guardian.


• Team Leaders must assess immediate locations for potential physical safety risks (eg, lockable doors, boiling water, power plugs, sharp objects, tripping hazards) and document, eliminate or make members aware of any potential risks. ‘Risks’ may include training and performing on obstacles such as wooden benches, barrels, pots, etc as well as performing tricks, lifts on legs/shoulders and jumping sequences.


• CVLT Remain weather conscious. Sunscreen, shade, heating and supply of water is available to members where appropriate.


If Committee Members, Team Leaders are ever involved socially with members outside of CVLT training, performance times and events they must consider the CVLT child safe policy.



Child Safety Officer


CVLT has a nominated Child safety Officer who holds both a Working with Children Check and current Police Check.



Policy Review


The CVLT Committee will regularly review this policy with input from the Child safety Officer and any member who wishes to contribute to the process. Occurrence of a significant event requiring application of the policy may also trigger such a review.


If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.


© Central Victorian Lion Team Incorporated
(No. A0048785J) Est. 2006 | Fire Dragon Art & Design 2017



© Central Victorian Lion Team Incorporated
(No. A0048785J) Est. 2006 | Fire Dragon Art & Design 2017